Sunday, January 24, 2010

I’m feeling good this morning, the scale went back down to 164… phew! Haha
So this morning I had:
Apple (70)
Latte 16oz. (191)

Took a short walk

1 egg (70)
¼ cup nonfat plain yogurt (25)
green chile (5)
rice cake (70)
some trail mix ~ (100)
half of a banana (50)

I’m going skiing and snowboarding today, so I should get a good burn going. I felt really shaky after the coffee, so I had to have a substantial breakfast. I just need to keep making good choices and eating things as good energy source rather than just because they taste good.
Lunch I was starving but couldn’t get a descent meal bccause I was snowboarding
2 cliff bars (500)

Dinner was around 7:00
green chile stew with chicken (250)
around 11:00 pm had an apple (70)
grand total of 1401

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 2

I woke up at 5:30 this morning, wide-awake, for no reason. I was really thirsty so I had a glass of water, and by 6 my stomach was growling. So I at:
A medium apple (70)
~ 1 oz of cashews (167)

I’m inside my head too much. It’s good to have goals and to aspire to something, in my case losing weight and looking good, but I can’t let it consume me. Life is about balance. I can’t make this weight loss into an obsession or it’s never going to be enough. If I focus solely on this and I reach my goal weight, then what am I going to do? I know it won’t ever be enough, so I have to make sure that I’m living my life, and this is just a little side project. I can’t daydream about how great my life is going to be when I lose weight, because the fact of the matter is losing weight isn’t going to make my life better; it’s going to make my body better. I love myself and I love being in my skin, and being the person I have become. My body doesn’t define who I am; it’s just an accessory, a tool to express myself. It does need to be taken care of, but it’s not the end of the world if I have some extra pudge. This realization has taken me a long time to come, but I’m glad I finally come to know this, now I just need to apply it fully.

Hungry around 8:33
¼ cup nonfat plain yogurt (25)
¼ cup frozen berries (23)
12oz latte (180)
2 splendas (0)

Lunch at 11:00
½ cup green Chile stew (100)
¼ cup wasabi peas (120)
Wanted something sweet so I had some sugar free ice cream with diet root beer… need to stop eating ice cream.
¾ cup ice cream (150)

Ok I don’t like sitting around, so no more TV. I just want to snack because I’m bored, so I’m going to start cleaning, I called my grandma and we’re gonna go to the gym together. I have a date tonight; I’m going to dinner at a really nice restaurant with G at 7 tonight, so I’m going to get moving around.
Before this journaling I had:
½ poptart (100)
½ serving of white cheddar popcorn (85)
Apple (70)

I went to the gym and did the elliptical for 15 minutes, and walked for 30 on the treadmill. Burned around 350 cals
Was hungry so had another small snack
Trail mix (100)
Some shrimp (60) 1250

Went to dinner on a date, had a really good time. Had
2 glasses of champagne (144)
Trout appetizer, just a few bites (100)
Entrée was swordfish with zucchini and coos coos, only ate a little… guessing (300)
A few bites of cheesecake (100)
1894 total, could have been less or more but that’s what I’m going with… not too bad. I feel good about the day overall.

I could have gone without the ice cream, the trail mix, the popcorn, and the 1/2 poptart and saved 435 calories. Those are the things I need to pay attention to. It may seem like just a few bites, but it does add up, I could have been closer to 1500 calories, and that does make a difference.... I need to choose my bites more wisely.

This food recording thing is really good... it's kinda good to reflect on the mistakes and see the small changes I can make to get a good deficit.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Waking Up

I'm starting this blog after months of telling myself I'm going to lose 5 pounds by the end of this month, and never getting there. I think I'm eating less and exercising enough, but results don't lie. I've heard all this hype about journaling all of the food you eat and your feelings and what not; and it's time to try it out.

I'm allergic to gluten, so I stay away from it for the most part. Every once in a while I break down and eat a cookie, but then I pay for it later. Plus you'd figure since I can't eat any of that stuff, losing weight would be so easy, but the scale won't budge. I weighed myself 2 days ago and I was at 164, then this morning I was back up to 167. This was so much more frustrating due to the fact that I leaned to snowboard all day yesterday in deep powder, which was such a hard workout, and I gained weight. I swear I felt like I didn't eat that much, especially since I worked out so hard. It's just so frustrating. So I'm starting off today and I'm going to make conscious choices to eat less and drink more water.

I weigh 167, I'm about 5'9" or 5'8.5", I wear a size ten, and I want to be a size about a 6. I think my goal weight will be around 140-145... I just need to get there.


7:30 had a glass of water and a medium apple (70)
9:40 still hungry so ate ¾ large banana and glass of water (90)
10:00 had a 16oz latte with 2% milk and 2 splenda packets (192)

I wanted to eat more after the banana because I was a little frustrated, but I didn’t because I knew I wasn’t actually hungry. I’m trying to break this cycle, and it’s going to take some time and perseverance, but I know I can do it.

I feel good, I’ve just been lying around, and am super soar from snowboarding yesterday. We have sooo much snow and I want to go skiing, but I need to give my body a break. I got whiplash and hit my sternum pretty hard yesterday, but I’ll be back out tomorrow. My right inner thigh is so sore I can’t hardly lift it, so for exercise I’ll just go walk on the treadmill for an hour or so this afternoon.

10 shrimp (200)
some mixed sautéed veggies in alfredo sauce (150)
~ 2 cups spinach (14)

Apple (70)
2 tbsp peanut butter (210)

Wasn’t much of a dinner, I had white cheddar popcorn (340)
Diet root beer
About ½ cup of green chile stew (100)
Total 1156

Doesn’t seem like that many calories, but I am stuffed. I’m not going for any specific number, I’m just trying to go on how I feel energy wise. I think some days you need less that others.

We did some cooking this evening, and I think my down fall is in the evening. I ate:
3 shrimp (50)
1/2 no sugar ice cream (100)
Anything else I might have forgot I'll just tack on 100 more calories 

Total 1406... snacking makes a big difference, especially when you aren't paying attention.